Intricate stitches stitching elegance and craftsmanship into fabric.


Is Kloud Knit Mill Revolutionizing Embroidery?

Yes, we are Kloud Knit Mill, and we specialize in aggregating embroidery units in and around Tirupur using our advanced proprietary technology. Through aggregation, we bring value to embroidery units by optimizing machine utilization, reducing waiting time for input materials, and providing better visibility for production planning. We also facilitate the conversion of embroidery machines into smart machines, enabling real-time performance monitoring and corrective actions. Additionally, we assist processing units in achieving compliance with social, quality, and environmental standards through our "Kloud Knit Mill COC Certification." Furthermore, we provide expert technical advice to drive innovation, including the use of recycled yarn, in embroidery design and the development of new embroidery methods. With Kloud Knit Mill, embroidery units can enhance their efficiency, compliance, and creative capabilities, paving the way for sustainable and innovative embroidery practices.

We turn things simple...

Kloud Knit Mill connects dye stuff suppliers with processing/dyeing units to ensure consistent quality parameters.

Kloud Knit Mill ensures compliance with social, quality, and environmental standards through COC Certification.

Technical advice from industry experts helps embroidery units innovate, including using recycled yarn.

Kloud Knit Mill enhances visibility and planning by providing cut panels and fabric material information.

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